Colorizing @Exitformat

This exitformat just makes a trailing word in <>'s at the end of the first part of the name of the exits highlighted.

Author: Raevnos
Category: Building
Commands: @create, @exitformat, @lset, @set.
Compatibility: CobraMUSH, PennMUSH.


Copy and paste the below code into a compatible MUSH or MUX.

MUSHCode for Colorizing @Exitformat

@create Colorizing @exitformat
@lock/Link Colorizing @exitformat==#0
@lset Colorizing @exitformat/Link=no_inherit
@lock/Parent Colorizing @exitformat=!=#0
@lset Colorizing @exitformat/Parent=no_inherit
@set Colorizing @exitformat = LINK_OK
@set Colorizing @exitformat = VISUAL
@set Colorizing @exitformat = NO_COMMAND
&DESCRIBE Colorizing @exitformat=This exitformat just makes a trailing word in <>'s at the end of the first part of the name of the exits highlighted. Code note: Because of how $-subs work in regedit(), they can't be used like you'd expect in any function that takes its arguments unparsed and evaluates them itself (Like ansi(), or iter()). Storing a $-sub in a q-register and using the q-register instead is a satisfactory solution.
@set Colorizing @exitformat/DESCRIBE=no_command visual public nearby
&EXITFORMAT Colorizing @exitformat=switch(words(%0), >0, Obvious Exits:%r[map(format_exit, %0, %b, %r)], No exits.)
@set Colorizing @exitformat/EXITFORMAT=no_command
&FORMAT_EXIT Colorizing @exitformat=regedit(name(%0), <\\w+>$, setq(E, $0)[ansi(h, %qE)])[if(cand(hasflag(me, transparent), not(hasflag(%0, opaque))), %bleads to [name(loc(%0))].)]