- +Finger
- +Search
- +Secure 1.1
- @Decompiler
- Apples to Apples
- Archer's Globals Object
- Card Table with Cards
- Cards against Humanity
- CharGen
- Chess Board
- Connect Five
- Dark Destiny Card Table
- Didi's Improved Chargen: Mark II
- Dynamic Space 2.8
- FlipBlend
- Freud's Bulletin Board
- Function Of The Day
- Gwen's +aura code, Mark I
- House OOC Fluff Device
- Hoyle Card Deck
- Living Fiction's Globals
- Look Hook
- Moderator Assistant
- Mountain Cauldren World of Darkness Chargen
- Myrddin's BBS v4.0.6
- One Man's Trash
- Organization Globals
- Parity's "Coding for the Coderless" Class
- Parity's Code Class 202
- sTiLe's Yahtzee
- Taisch's Simple Bulletin Board
- TinyTIM Coding Workshop - Class 2 - Attribute Aliases and Functions
- Uno Game
- Variable Exit DS Code
- Video Poker Machine
- Voting Booth